The Little Fish

Friday, March 17, 2006

Nothing much to report

Nothing much. I should be in bed, because it's midnight and I have to leave home at 8am to get to the library in the city where we will be having my authorship and publication class tomorrow. But I just felt like blogging.

Today has been made it better. This afternoon I had to go to the doctor to get tested to see if I have the blood disease that Mum has. It's in her gene's and Kyle and I both have to get tested to see if we have it. I had blood test after blood test but won't know the results until next week. The doctors were nice though, and said that it looked good and that I might not have it becuase when I was having my blood taken it was flowing super fast (as it always does) and Mum's flows super slow, which is a good bit of evidence that I don't have the same type of retarded blood that Mum has.

Anyways, after that I went to see if my dvd player was repaired and ready to take home. Turns out though that the laser in it that reads the discc has failed and to repair it would cost like $150 and so I was told I might as well just buy a new one, which I was not expecting at all! It is so new, and I am so disappointed that it has died so soon! I have missed out on the warranty by just three short months - dammit! So tomorrow I am off to buy a new one. They are as cheap as chips these days anyways so it's not such a big deal, and Dad found one in a catalogue tonight for Big W for only $48.

Anyways, after all that disappointment I was happy to get to work and see Sarah. her and I are such good mates now, we are always laughing and joking, it's great. And yesterday, just as a random comment, Sarah was like 'I haven't had jelly in SUCH a long time' and I was all 'Nah me neither!' and then I was like 'You'll have to make some and we can eat it tomorrow night.' And then I get to work today and she was like 'Larissa! You're here! (cos she hangs out for me to get there at 5pm cos she starts at 11am and says she's always bored until I get there at 5pm lol! Don't I feel special!) Guess what! I made jelly!' And I just pissed myself! I didn't think she would actually do it! Anyways, we went into the fridge and there was an icecream container of red jelly. It didn't really set so we put it in the freezer but it's still dodgy. We're going to leave it there til Saturday and then eat it there on Saturday. I hope it doesn't start to taste like sausages - because that's what it's sitting right next to in the fridge! lol! And I said in case her jelly doesn't get any better (and I really don't think it's going to set anymore - she must've put too much water in it I think) I am going to make green jelly tomorrow and bring it in to work on Saturday and then we can eat red and green! We are the jelly queens! lol! So work was so fun tonight...every half an hour we were rushing into the fridge to see if the jelly had set yet!

Anyways, I have more to say but I'm going...I don't want to be falling asleep in the library tomorrow. Or maybe I do....hmmm it's going to be all about research. How yawn worthy! Only good thing will be that me and Suzanne and Rachel and Tegan are going out for lunch afterwards I think, which will be nice, even though I'll probably just be wanting to get home out of the heat (and to make my jelly! rofl!).

Listening to: A Place in the Sun - Hoodoo Gurus - Little Fish soundtrack
Loving: That Australia is currently on top of the medal tally - 3 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze! And that in the women's 200m individual medley tonight we got 1 2 3! Gold, silver and bronze in one hit! Go Australia!
Help those parents out who might be having a bit of a toruble. Support the Ngala Family Rescource Centre


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