The Little Fish

Monday, June 26, 2006

100% Cabaret

I hope that's what our convention dance is. I just decided tonight that I either want to do something 100% full on Cabaret or not at all. Wow....I sound fussy don't I? Hmmm maybe I should take that back. I just don't want to do half's got to be all or nothing. I know it'll be good, cos I mean, convention always is, but we'll have to wait and see for tomorrow night!

Today, in other news, I am still sick. Working when you're sick really sucks. So does dancing when you're sick. But me being me still goes and works and dances. I was hoping dancing would work it's little miracle like it often does if I'm sick. Sometimes, when I'm sick, I can go to dancing, jump around and kick and leap for an hour and a half and it sweats the sickness out of me and I come home feeling better, and the next day I am cured. Unfortunately that did not happen tonight :( So I went home and dissolved three aspros in water, hoping they would taste like lemonade (cos, the last time I took them, which wa slike 5 bazillion years ago, I remember them tasting like lemonade). Like the sweating out the sickness thing, this also didn't work. It didn't taste like lemonade. And I had a whole glass full to drink...ahhh. But I drank it, and I do actually feel better now.

I need to as well, cos tomorrow I am back treading the boards at work for another shift. I tell you I am going to be rolling in it on Saturday when I get paid! I am so excited! Not only will I have worked almost 30 hours this week, but this week will be my first week at work with my increased wage. So I really will be rolling in it...ahhh happiness. And it couldn't have come at a better time. I am so poor right now.

And after work tomorrow Ash and Win are picking me up and we are going for a late lunch in Claremont for me birtdhay where we will browse and drool in Alannah Hill and One Teaspoon...ahhh want to come Rosy? ;) I thought of you and your wrapping paper when my friend mentioned Alannah Hill. I seriously want to buy something when I am out tomorrow, cos hey it was my birthday, I deserve to!

Was going to go shopping today, but then Rob asked me to work, so that plan went down the toilet. Hopefully on Friday or next week. I am going to spend up big with all these vouchers I have and birthday money. Ahhh happiness.

Anyways, I bid you all farewell, but before I leave I am sending kudos to Jacks (my other Jacks - not Owen and William's Mum Jacks) for her AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT review she sent me this afternoon. It touched my heart! Thanks for much Jacks! Can't WAIT for you to read the last fic in the trilogy...I look forward to another great review from you! :)


  • I remembered the name of the shop next to Alannah Hill that you have to go to - Brutus & Moss! They have wicked jewellry and jackets. Also go into Claremont Arcade and buy a donut from the little cafe in the middle - they are only 80c and are heaven on earth! Hope you're feeling better soon!
    xx Bec

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:48 PM  

  • Well.. it's not cabaret or showgirly at all...
    Strongest Suit from AIDA - I didn't think this myself but Kelly said it sounded christmasy and it sooo does! :P

    It's ok I quite like it.. At least it'll be energetic and we can all die on stage! ;)

    PS - can you turn your password thing off -it's such a piss of! :) hehe

    By Blogger MissPia, at 9:05 PM  

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