Call me...Stalk you!
Went to see Stick it the other day with Pia and Sally and that's where that quote is from. Me and Bree have been talking about it for like 2 hours now via myspace and msn and so I thought it would make a good title for my blog.
It has been ages since I have blogged, can I just say. Since my last blog a lot has happened! I have stopped procrastinating with my study and have actually finished exams now (wooooo!) and am on holidays. Most importantly though, I have turned 20! Yesterday, the 24th was my birthday! It was a good day - even though I had to work for 8 solid hours (on my birthday!!) and I was mega tired and also felt a bit sick. But got lots of lovely gifts and some gorgeous birthday messages from just everyone! So many people texted me during the day and I came home to check my email and I had like 7 bazillion myspace comments waiting for me! Thanks everyone! first week of holidays went quite quick, cos I kept myself busy doing lots of things on my list (the one I made when I was supposed to be studying). Went to the movies three times in one week - seeing Click, Stick It and The Break Up, all which were worth my dosh.
Last weekend me and Jo went into Freo for a big night out to celebrate the end of exams. We met up with Alesha and her friend Flick and stayed in Harbourside for a while until we decied it was shitty there and joined the line at Metros. That was much reminded me of The Shed in some ways and I wished Ash were there with us to dance crazily to Cold Chisel songs like her and I always do at The Shed! hehehe
Anyways, it was a fun fun fun night (except for paying $9.50 for a Smirnoff in Metros...that part was farked!). We got home about 3:30am and I went home the next day and spent the day making cards with Denise, Mum and Lyn. Anyone out there want to buy my cards? They're good I swear!
Today I have woken up with one hell of a sickness spell over me...freaking nose won't stop running, and I've been coughing my lungs out and had a headache all day long. Was made sooooo much better when my annoying relatives came over for afternoon tea and arrived soooooo way before afternoon tea time (so before that I WAS STILL IN BED!) I swear they don't have lives...they're always early. Anyways...we ate scones and drank vanilla coke and were merry (not really).
Me and VG sort of had a fight during the week...and I was all 'get a freaking life loser' for the past like...4 days, up until today when she came to my house and gave me a rad gift for my birthday. And explained her stupid self. Now I don't hate her as much, haha. She is such a sheltered child. No...we're all sorted. I take back what I mumbled all week long to myself about her, lol!
Ohhh I can't think of anything exciting to say anymore...and I can't continue to try to be funny, cos it hasn't worked this whole post anyways, so I'm bidding anyone who's reading this farewell. Ahhh craziness...this is all your fault have put me in the weirdest wacky mood.
Au Revoir!
It has been ages since I have blogged, can I just say. Since my last blog a lot has happened! I have stopped procrastinating with my study and have actually finished exams now (wooooo!) and am on holidays. Most importantly though, I have turned 20! Yesterday, the 24th was my birthday! It was a good day - even though I had to work for 8 solid hours (on my birthday!!) and I was mega tired and also felt a bit sick. But got lots of lovely gifts and some gorgeous birthday messages from just everyone! So many people texted me during the day and I came home to check my email and I had like 7 bazillion myspace comments waiting for me! Thanks everyone! first week of holidays went quite quick, cos I kept myself busy doing lots of things on my list (the one I made when I was supposed to be studying). Went to the movies three times in one week - seeing Click, Stick It and The Break Up, all which were worth my dosh.
Last weekend me and Jo went into Freo for a big night out to celebrate the end of exams. We met up with Alesha and her friend Flick and stayed in Harbourside for a while until we decied it was shitty there and joined the line at Metros. That was much reminded me of The Shed in some ways and I wished Ash were there with us to dance crazily to Cold Chisel songs like her and I always do at The Shed! hehehe
Anyways, it was a fun fun fun night (except for paying $9.50 for a Smirnoff in Metros...that part was farked!). We got home about 3:30am and I went home the next day and spent the day making cards with Denise, Mum and Lyn. Anyone out there want to buy my cards? They're good I swear!
Today I have woken up with one hell of a sickness spell over me...freaking nose won't stop running, and I've been coughing my lungs out and had a headache all day long. Was made sooooo much better when my annoying relatives came over for afternoon tea and arrived soooooo way before afternoon tea time (so before that I WAS STILL IN BED!) I swear they don't have lives...they're always early. Anyways...we ate scones and drank vanilla coke and were merry (not really).
Me and VG sort of had a fight during the week...and I was all 'get a freaking life loser' for the past like...4 days, up until today when she came to my house and gave me a rad gift for my birthday. And explained her stupid self. Now I don't hate her as much, haha. She is such a sheltered child. No...we're all sorted. I take back what I mumbled all week long to myself about her, lol!
Ohhh I can't think of anything exciting to say anymore...and I can't continue to try to be funny, cos it hasn't worked this whole post anyways, so I'm bidding anyone who's reading this farewell. Ahhh craziness...this is all your fault have put me in the weirdest wacky mood.
Au Revoir!
Did Flick go to Mercedes?
MissPia, at 9:02 PM
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