The Little Fish

Monday, October 17, 2005

Lisa madness!

Awww the Lisa bits on the Fifty Years of Laughs and Legends was so awesome last night! I was so hyper excite,d it was quite sad really. Mum and Dad were all like 'why aren't you watching it out here with us? We're watching it too' and I was like 'No no I want to watch it in my room, I'm ahhh....changing the sheets on my bed while I do it, I might as well stay in here..." pathetic excuse, but they would've made fun of me going psycho whenever Lisa came on the screen.
It was so cool, I hope hope hope Jackie and Rosanna got to see it, or else they'll just die! So many Good Friday Appeal moments that I have missed out on for like...a decade! When the show first started I thought they were going to show that 1991 working dog thing Lisa did that never got off the shelf! :oO But alas, it was not that.
I didn't get my interview with TO again! Arrrggghhh! How annoying! I got to dancing tonight and didn't see ehr car in the carpark and got this dreadful feeling in my stomach that she wouldn't be there. Then I got inside and asked MS and she said that she was sick, and I was like noooooooooooooo not again! I think I actually wasn't quite so pissed off about missing the interview again, but because I was there an hour early again and I didn't want AW to see me and speak to me the way she did last week. So I went outside and wrote out some notes for the article. I wasn't going to put up with all AW's crap. I guess it seems like the scared way out, but turns out I wasn't the only one who is annoyed at AW right now.
I was talking to AMc, who was feeling a bit shitted off cos AW had chosen today to ignore her and be a bitch to her. And I told her about the incident last week and how AW had gone off at me just for being at dancing early. AMc totally understood. I am glad we see eye to eye on this.
See, it just shits me majorly how AW thinks the world revolves around her and she's the only one who matters. She seriously has to learn that it's not all about her. And one thing she is especially bad at is the way she chooses when she's gonna be nice to you. For example, today was a day when she didn't feel like being nice to AMc, and so ignored her the entire acro class and pretended she wasn't there and didn't talk to her at all. AW has done this to me many a times, and it is a trait she shares with LW funnily enough. Poor AMc, I felt bad for her, cos she's so gorgeous and AW was being such a bugger.
Like grrrr omg it annoys me to the max! AW is only nice to people when she feels like it, and when she decides she's going to be nice to you that day she'll talk to you, and laugh and hug you randomly all night long at danicng, but if she doesn't feel like paying you any attention that day, she'll pretend you're not even alive. Like I said, she didn't say one word to AMc at acro this arvo, and then went down to the deli with CMc and BM leaving AMc behind by herself after acro. That was when I came inside from writing my notes. AMc was feeling guilty that maybe she wasn't being sympathetic enough to AW because of her knee dislocation and all, but then she realised (with my help) that that injury is now long gone for AW and deserves no more sympathy, especially when AMc just tore some ligaments in her own knee the other day doing a braunie and is now wearing her own painful knee brace. For which AW has not cared less about can I just say.
Anyways, so a while later AW, CMc and BM came back from the deli and we were all out in the practice room, and for the fist time that arvo, AW talked to AMc, taking her completely by surprise (and when she was about to come down and chat to me and stretch and warm up with me). She told me this later when we were waiting for CS to start our class. Ahhhh what a frustrating night with AW! At least I know now that AMc feels the same way I do about AW. AW just needs to stop thinking everything is all about her. I know that she went through a shit of a time last year, I really do, but she needs to stop being self centred. maybe she's not over that sht of a time yet, I don't know, but basically, she's just gotta move on and keep living and stop making the world stop for her problems. And she's gotta stop being friendly only when it suits her...she's not going to keep friends that way.

Was a good night though, dance wise. I am really starting to love this dance :D It's to This is the Moment...not sure if it's the Anthony Warlow version (which is by far the best version) but it's still good. And the dance is just gorgeous. I have a special bit I get to do (with AW would you believe it) which involves a right leg leap and a left (yay!) split. Thank Christ! We so never do left splits and its the only leg I can do weel! About time we got a left split in a dance!
Anyways, NB's mum was taking pics and videos of us tonight...we had to do the dance quite a few times through, even though it's not finished. And then a stack of stuff across the room. This was where the good stuff dance wise came in I just mentioned before. My leaps felt terrific - but when even when they feel terrific they never normally look good. I hate that - even when you feel like you've done the best leap, or pirouette or kick or turn leap or soemthing in your life, you see yourself doing it in the mirror and it still looks shithouse. Oh the cruelty! Anyway, we were doing this stuff across the room away from the mirror, so I couldnt see myself doing it, so my feeling of great leaps was not ruined by my seeing its shittiness in the mirrors, lol, and then CS said that they were better! Hurray! She said I had nice leaps, and then when we did turn leaps she said my legs were nice and straight. I really did feel like I was doing ripper turn leaps tonight actually, and so to have her say that they were good and that I had straight legs whilst doing them was such a confidence booster :D I was stoked. perhaps cos I had a good night and did good leaps was why she put me in that part in the dance. Yayness!
Tomorrow night will be our photo/video night for senior jazz, so I'll have to dress nicely again! but no matter, at least there'll be no more Blockout pants I'll have to wear! I cannot believe I used to wear those pants every single lesson to dancing a few years back! What was I thinking!
I have got so much money to owe to dancing right now though :( Almost as much assignments as I still have left to do for uni :( I gotta pay about $150 in fees, $50 for material for 2 senior jazz costumes, $30 for the neo material, and then $32 for these calendars I'm getting - one for me and one for JW. Blah! And then I need to pay off my lay by of my new jazz and ballet shoes at Dance and Design, and then I'll need to buy trimmings and junk for the costumes and concert, and then I'll have to pay Mrs W as well :( Ahhh I hate concert time! It sucks up all my money!
OK, and then there's the assignments I must finish before end of semester for uni. Number 1 most important is my community writing research report which is due Friday and I haven't even started yet :( I know, I'm a dickhead for leaving it so late, and I was going to start it tonight but I got talking to PM and got all distracted and just so didn't feel like doing uni work, I am just so over it already! And plus now I have a headache and it's nearly midnight, so no starting the assignment tonight, haha! Oh yeah, and I have to do a presentation on this report too :(
Then, my feature article is due on ...ummmm next Thursday, and I'm only going to be doing the interview on Wednesday this week. Shouldn't be too hard though I don't think, I practically wrote half of it at dancing tonight just from what I knew about TO already.
But then my media journal has been totally neglected these past few weeks (and omg! I just realised I threw out all my Herald Suns last night! Darn it!). Thank God I've done my presentation already - although Taryn has totally forgotten to give me my comments sheet, even though she has given everyone else theirs, even the people who did theirs after I did mine. I feel bad asking her though, cos one of her twins is sick and last time I asked I really stuck my foot in my mouth and I felt so embarrassed and bad later on. I know she so has better things to do than write out my comments for a presentation. I only got a credit for it dammit, I thought it was better than that. Like it was such an interesting topic compared to everyone elses. Like hello? Shark attacks, Bali bombings, Sept 11, Colombia? It's all been done! My topic was one no-one else has touched on, and it was very entertaining and I even made people laugh (by pointing out mistakes made by this countries top journalists - go me!) and yet still a credit. Oh well. I think only a few people have been getting distinctions anyways.
Anyways! And...hmmm what else do I need to do? Oh yeah, my writing folio, which I'm supposed to have kept up with all semester for community writing and I haven't even started it. Well, I've got the notes and all (I'm not that slack!) but it's just that I need to type or hand write them out much neater and in a nice and organised journal type thingo.
Gotta gather as much info and research as poss to hand in for my feature article too, and then I still have two more journals to do for Interpersonal Skills but I won't have to do them til next week thank goodness.
Wow, this has been a truck load of mindless ramblings from me tonight! How boring for anyone who is reading! Wake up! Get your head off the keyboard! Look you've dribbled! What a slob. Haha! This blog just looks like a little diary for me hey, with all the things I need to hand in and what I need to pay.
Ohhh did I tell you I bought one of those designer tshirts from Jeanswest the other day that support Breast Cancer Research! Mine is cool ;) I am planning on wearing it to uni tomorrow or Thursday if it's warm enough ;)

Until next time...

Support The Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
Listening to: Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2


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